Last week when I shared one of my most loved books, Better Homes and Gardens
New Decorating Book (published in 1998), I promised to take you inside this newer edition which came out in 2007.

As you can see, the cover has been updated with bright colors and contemporary rooms which one of my readers said caused her to steer clear of the book.
But as my title says, you can't judge a book by its cover.

I was skeptical too and I must admit that the first time I opened it, I was a tad nervous as I started flipping through the pages which were chock full of modern design... Not that there is anything wrong with it, but it does not speak to "me."
This room, however, makes my heart flutter...

But alas, BHG did not disappoint. This is clearly an aim-to-please-all-design-tastes book.

As I got deeper into the book, the pages began to delight my senses with rooms, furnishings and colors that were definitely screaming out to "me, me, me."

Mark my words, someday I will own one of these library ladders. I will find the perfect place for it in the Old House which has 12-foot ceilings.

I mean, be still my beating heart...

I just love the cottage-style, country, shabby goodness! I can't wait to do a cabinet like this. And those painted trash cans are just the cat's meow.

I have a bed just like this in the Old House except mine has all the spindles and it's not painted white... At least not YET.

There is certainly lots of gorgeous color...

But there is also plenty of my current obsession... WHITE...

I love the sparkle in this living room...

This photo is very "Old House" fabulous...

You can still buy both versions of the book on
Amazon, only the older one you'll have to purchase used. AND, I am delighted to have discovered that BHG published several versions in between the two I bought in 1998 and 2007.

They start at only 31 cents, plus $3.99 shipping and I see one dating all the way back to 1980.

NOTE: If you access
Amazon using this
link, a portion of your sale will go to help homeless dogs and puppy mill rescues. It doesn't cost you a thing.
So, my little lovelies, it looks like it's time for me to go buy myself some cheap-and-used-but-still-beautiful books!