Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gobs of knobs...

Okay, so I never thought I could ever so excited about knobs.
But just look at this beauty...
As it turns out, Hobby Lobby has a great selection of gorgeous knobs for verah, verah reasonable prices...

Can you tell I'm trying really hard to contain myself?

I actually went around my house trying to find an excuse to buy knobs.

Don't they look like jewelry for your furniture?

These little gems start at only $2.99.

Well, don't just sit there. You've got knobs to buy.


  1. LOL! :-) Have you seen the big knob bins at Anthropologie?

  2. Hi there, I just found your blog and have become a follower, I am fascinated with your 'Old House' and want to keep up with all you do there :) I live near Austin in TX but I'm originally from England.
    Love all the photos on your blog.

  3. I recognized this immediately! A few weeks ago the knobs were 50% off. I could not help myself and brought home a heavy bag full. I told my husband I will find ways to use them.

  4. They're beautiful!!! I really can't shop Hobby Lobby... I'd like to just own the store. ;)
